He soon turns out to be a mole for the Na'vi, and attempts to convince the player to join them. He understands their way of life and he sees the destructive nature of the RDA mining operations. Through all his years on Pandora, Harper has formed a close bond with many of the Na'vi. René Harper, is head of the RDA's Avatar Program.
Victor Monroe, is a scientist who respects Ryder, but is uncomfortable with Falco. She also has romantic (if the player is a male) feelings for Ryder if he sided with the RDA. She believes in the RDA cause and reluctantly understands that war may be unavoidable between the Na'vi and the RDA. Kendra Midori, is your main contact for the RDA. He is the main antagonist of the game, even if the player allies with the RDA. He sees the Na'vi as nothing more than a threat to the mining operation on Pandora, a threat that must be wiped clean if the RDA objectives are to be achieved. Commander Falco, is a navy officer and the Head of Security for the RDA. He or she is the main protagonist of the game. Able Ryder, an RDA grunt brought from Earth to join the Avatar Program, and to track down a sacred site on Pandora. At the flashpoint of this conflict, Ryder must decide where his true allegiance lies: with either the RDA, or the Na'vi. As Ryder ventures further into the Pandoran jungle, he learns more about its many creatures of Pandora, the Na'vi, and their struggle with the Corporation to save Pandora. Ryder learns to pilot his own avatar, a hybrid of human DNA and that of Pandora's indigenous species, the Na'vi. In the game, players take the role of Lance Corporal Able Ryder, a SecOps signal specialist who arrives on the distant world Pandora, hand-picked to take part in the Avatar Program. James Cameron's Avatar: The Game takes place two years prior to the events in the movie. AVATAR THE GAME PC PS3
On the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, the player can also earn trophies and achievements for completing various tasks. There are two major storylines, dependant on player choices. While most gameplay takes place in this fashion, there is also a conquest minigame in a cut down, civilization-esque style. There are various vehicles for the RDA to use, as well as animals for the Na'vi to ride. The game is predominantly a third person shooter, taking place in and around the Pandoran rainforest.